A detour map issued by the California Department of Transportation for the Sept. 4-19 closure of Highway 395 at Sonora Junction.
Installation of two big metal pipes designed to allow wildlife to cross safely will close Highway 395 for 15 days between Bridgeport and State Route 108 starting Sept. 4.
Part of the Sonora Junction Shoulders Project, which began construction in May, the pipes will be 70 feet in length and stand 9.5-11 feet tall.
Drivers are advised that the only detours available around the closure are Highway 182 from Bridgeport and connect with Highway 338. Traffic coming from Nevada can turn at Holbrook Junction and take the 338 south.
Travelers over Sonora and Monitor Pass can turn north toward Holbrook.
Access to Highway 395 between Bridgeport and Burcham Flat Road will be available to local traffic only.
There have been 69 documented and likely more undocumented collisions with wildlife since 2002, according to the California Department of Transportation.
That section has been identified as a crossing by the West Walker herd of mule deer. The addition of culverts and fencing to direct animals away from traffic aims to reduce wildlife mortality rates on this stretch of Highway 395.
The Sonora Junction Shoulders Project has been underway since May to widen the shoulders of the highway to 8 feet, install rail-element retaining walls, and stabilize slopes with anchored mesh in addition to installing the wildlife crossings.