Eastside Memorial Park Funeral Director Nadia Sandoval shared the details of the upcoming Vietnam memorial arriving in May with the Minden Rotary Club. The wall brings healing to veterans, family and friends of those who died or were missing in Vietnam and educates the community about the war in Vietnam and its impact.
This half size replica of the Vietnam Wall in D.C. will be on display May 23-28.
Here is the schedule:
May 22 — the wall is coming from Southern California and will be parked at the Carson Valley Inn for the night.
May 23 — the wall will be escorted from CVI to the Eastside Memorial Park. Anyone interested in being part of the escort parade should meet at the CVI parking lot at 8 a.m. Starting at 10 a.m., the wall will be built on top of a base (which will be built the prior two weeks with materials donated by Home Depot).
May 24 — Opening ceremony at 10 a.m. with a helicopter fly over and landing as well as speeches from local dignitaries. Viewing of the wall will be open 24 hours until 8am May 28. Memorial items can be brought to leave at the wall - these items will be sent back with the wall.
May 25 — Viewing Day
May 26 — Community Barbeque at 7 p.m., especially for veterans but all are invited. A Candlelight vigil to welcome home Vets will occur at 9:30 p.m.
May 27 — Closing Ceremony at 7 p.m.
May 28 - Wall comes down at 8 a.m.
Volunteers are needed at the site to be name locators, escorts, rovers and security guards. Three options exist for orientation training: 10 a.m. May 17, 10 a.m. May 18 or 6 p.m. May 20.
Volunteer details and registration can be located at www.eastsidememorialpark.com.
The Minden Rotary Club meets at noon every Thursday in the COD Casino Garage.
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