Jan. 4, 2023, Letters to the Editor

Supports deputies


Do you support the deputies in their labor negotiations? Do you care about their ability to live and work in our community and have the equipment, training, and labor resources to protect and serve our entire County? Then it’s time to understand that our support and words mean nothing if we as a community are not willing to pay a little more for that service. Their care and compassion for the community has been nothing but top notch in my experience. From being able to service a rural community in the Valley to surging tourists at special events at the Lake, the breadth of their abilities is truly remarkable. I don’t think our deputies deserve to be paid the same as our surrounding communities, they deserve to be paid MORE. Douglas County has a higher cost of living than our surrounding communities and it’s important that our law enforcement, first responders, and community service providers be able to live in our community and be residents, not just employees.

We have created revenue obstacles in our County. Limiting growth increases property values for those in our community but limits the residents who can contribute to the costs of our services. Limiting increases on property taxes makes it affordable for long-term residents but means that there is limited revenue even when property values and inflation rise well above the tax increase limits. The County could be reaping the tax revenue of a solar energy farm, but the County did not want the visual impact of that facility. We could have the tax revenue of a meat processing facility, or a new gravel pit, but the affected neighbors in these areas have lobbied successfully for the denial of permits. We limit the number of vacation rental properties. I am not saying that any of these policies are right or wrong, but they limit the revenue sources that the County has. That leaves those of us who are already here to pay for the things we do want. When you want nice things, you have to pay for them.

It is my opinion that Douglas County is an efficient and relatively lean government. There is no pool of money or services that can be diverted to the Sheriffs office, nor should they. We need to pay our first responders a sufficient wage that they can be contributing members of our community. And I am willing to bet, that if we did so, at least a portion of the cost would be offset by the continuity in the Sheriff’s office rather than the continued recruitment and training that Douglas County provides and then loses. We want limited government and low taxes, but we also need to pay for the services we want. I for one want our Sheriffs deputies and all first responders to be community members who feel supported. That is going to cost tax dollars, and it’s time we put up or shut up and tell your commissioner to do the same.

 John Collins


Lions offer thanks


On behalf of the Carson Valley Lion’s Club, I would like to thank the community for their support of our See’s Candy fundraiser.

We sold out by Dec. 22. The funds raised will help support the many services we provide here in the Carson Valley.

Also, a special thank you to Frontier Communications for allowing us to set up in their parking lot”

Ron Santi

Carson Valley Lion’s Club

Dear Mother Nature


First you recently gave us a drought not seen for 1,200 years which we have suffered greatly through with horrendous fires in our beautiful forests.

Then on New Year’s Eve we get slammed with a heavy snow and rain – not that we can’t use the precip or aren’t truly grateful for it.

But, Dear Mom, can’t we find a way to negotiate some sort of mediation on this weather thing?

Everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it so I’m appealing directly to you, Mom, to help us out some here.

Your loving son,

Steve Lang


Will senators return crypto money?


Now that Sam Bankman Fried has all but admitted to stealing billions of investors money in his crypto currency scheme and being the second largest contributor to the Democratic party, I’m wondering will we see our two Nevada senators return the money they received or have they already filtered the money to their families. I’m all ready hearing a few Democrat politicians saying they will donate some of the contributions to charity. So taking stolen money and donating to charity makes it OK? How about returning it to the bankruptcy courts so it can be directed back to all the small investors that were fleeced by Mr Fried and the Democratic Party. 

Terry Davis 



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