Wrapped presents stretch out across the Douglas County Fairgrounds floor during a previous Project Santa Claus.
The 35th year of Project Santa Claus is gearing up for another holiday season.
“We are currently working with local social service providers to identify families in need and organizing volunteers to gather, wrap and consolidate the presents,” said Alicia Main, who is helming this year's effort. “We are so grateful for all the help and support we have received to date and can’t wait to get our toy boxes and Angel Trees out in the community to receive donations.”
This will be Main’s first time in charge of the Project.
“Although this is my first year organizing the effort, I am privileged to have a group of dedicated volunteers stepping forward to help provide Christmas presents to local children in need. I am consistently amazed and proud of the generosity of our community."
Over the years Project Santa Claus has distributed 20,000 bags of gifts to children in need.
It is truly a community effort with Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley, Minden Rotary, Carson Valley Lions Club, Carson Valley Sertoma and the Carson Valley Active 20/30 Club No. 85 providing support to the Project.
Project Santa Claus was established in 1988 through the Carson Valley Community Food Closet. In 1991, Marily Malkmus operated it for 20 years before Kiwanis took over.
Locations for donations can be found at www.projectsantaclaus.org or follow them on Facebook at Project Santa Claus for the latest updates. Contact organizers at cvprojectsantaclaus@gmail.com or call 775-721-2400.