All things considered, I would like a world without weeds. Since I am daydreaming, I will also admit to wanting grass to only grow on the lawn, where it is planted and enjoyed. Not in flower beds, in tree lines, in graveled roadways and cracks in the sidewalk. Oh, let’s go crazy with this want/wish list. In the fall, I want my trees to shed all their leaves at once with any seeds they might want to hail down on my lawn. That way, when I gather up all things that spent the summer up in the trees and are now laying on the ground, I would only have to gather once not after every stray wind that blows. Ah, fall. I do look so forward to — next summer!
It is mid-September and it’s time to get the yard all spiffy so it and I can rest. Then, when spring does come around again, it isn’t like going out and starting from scratch. Yes, sir, time to mow one last time and to get out my trusty weed whacker and give the yard one final clip, cut, pare, shape and trim. To me, this is a sad, sad day. Although I am encouraged by the coming of the next season because I always want to see what is around the next corner just waiting for me, I am sad to see summer wane. I have so enjoyed jumping out of bed throwing on a T-shirt and shorts and hitting outside with a passion. I really do enjoy the fall, however, the coming winter — not so much passion. Well, maybe a little January thaw passion. More of a stiffness followed by some stoicism of the season. But! Yes, a frigid “but.” Ha, ha. But I am looking forward to the warmth of a morning fire with coffee and clean whiteness of fresh snow! Oh that four letter word — snow!
Back to business. First comes autumn with all the mixed-up colors and apple crispness. I just finished giving my yard a good fall trimming and two things occurred to me as I was out there…
First, I have come to realize that it isn’t just the smell of new mowed lawn that is enjoyable when mowing the lawn. I was about a quarter done with the job — okay, I have a riding mower; it isn’t all that much of a job. I was about a quarter done when I woke up and noticed that my mind was a blank. All week, I was going and doing and had food, clothes, errands, bills and all things womanly going on in my life. But there I was, out mowing and my mind just flushed all that and I was, well I was just mowing. It was very automatic. I didn’t hit any trees or run over any thing I wasn’t supposed to. It was like the mower was being guided by my fairy godmother and she took over. Actually, it was kind of cool. Then of course, I had to really think about what that could mean in the realm of life. Oh, you didn’t think I was just going to let it end there, did you? Pshaw.
Ladies, this means that even though men will grumble and guffaw about having to go out and mow the lawn they are really using it as an excuse to escape. Escape what? Well, that’s up to you to determine. Of course, you could mow a time or two and see what thoughts may be floating within him on his rounds.
That was one of the things that occurred to me. The second was way more important and remarkable. I wondered if my very favorite team, the Cubbies, will have to wait another 71 years to win another World Series, and how am I going to talk my Chicago friends into taking me to a game next spring? Hey, the mind is a terrible thing to waste on thinking deeply about why we are here or why the sky is blue or where spiders keep all that web material tucked away in their rear ends!
Yes, mowing is a special event. And yes, I know my mind is special. Especially when it is unfettered with all things that should actually be fettering in there. Go out and unfetter yourself enjoying the new apples falling this fall.
Trina lives in Eureka, Nev. Find her on Facebook, Instagram or Really!
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