150 years ago
Base and Other Balls. — The rage for ball playing is very apparent hereabout. Old fellows who’s hair and teeth are going and gone and young ones who have just got their first breeches and boots on are knowing and tossing and catching balls on the Plaza and the streets from daybreak to dark. The disease is as contagious as “catching:” and butterfingers are at a discount.
130 years ago
The editor of the White Pine News advices the people of Ely to quit sending mice to each other through the mails.
100 years ago
In a raid on the Parade ranch — generally known in this vicinity as the Dixon ranch — three miles north of Sparks at the entrance of Spanish Springs valley, government revenue agents unearthed a cache of whiskey which is said to be one fo the largest hauls made in the state since prohibition went into effect. Over 900 quarts were seized. — Sparks Tribune.
70 years ago
Mrs. Vail Pittman, wife of Nevada’s governor, today thanked those Girl Scouts and leaders who assisted her during open house yesterday at the executive mansion. An estimated 2,500 people toured the spacious building on Robinson Street.
50 years ago
Las Vegas Police say the fingerprints of a man that resembles the Zodiac killer will be examined by the San Francisco Police. A man was arrested that resembled the sketches of the killer.
30 years ago
The area’s three Republican lawmakers voiced their anger last week in opposing a special session to repeal a 300 percent pension hike legislators approved for themselves in June.
150 Years Ago
Free lecture: The widely celebrated and popular lecturer, Mr. J. Simms, will deliver one of his amusing discourses on “Physiognomy.” The entertainment is free. The jolly Doctor is brim full of that sort of lore which is the best suited to the popular mind.
140 Years Ago
J. L. Wilson’s big mine: J. L. Wilson, an old and respected citizen of White Pine county, presented the Appeal with a rare specimen of rock from a ledge near Cherry Creek. It is a piece of rock the size of a fist, and its white quartz is spangled all over with sparkling crystals of blue and gold. The specimen is valuable, being worth $2, and Mr. Wilson kindly donated it to the Appeal. Mr. Wilson, a kind and affable gentleman, wants $100 worth of advertising for a pound of rock.
130 Years Ago
Festival: The ladies of the Episcopal Church are busy making great downy comforters, head-rests for easy chairs, and many other things, to be sold at their festival, which will take place during the last week of November.
100 Years Ago
Marble headstones for Heroes’ Graves: From Congressman C. R. Evans: “Man of our soldiers, sailors and marines, who have died for their country, not only in the late world war, but in all the wars in which our country has taken part, now lie in unmarked graves… Our government will furnish and deliver at government expense, freight prepaid to railroad stations, an American white marble headstone for all unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors and marines of the army or navy… All those desiring further information may send me their names and address and their requests will receive my personal attention.”
50 Years Ago
TV Guide: “I Spy,” “Marshal Dillion,” “Petticoat Junction,” “Call of the West,” “Lassie,” “The Music Man,” “Ed Sullivan,” and “F.B.I.”
20 Years Ago
Ghoulish: Governor Kenny Guinn celebrated Trick or Treat at the Governor’s Mansion. “A mischievous Gov. Kenny Guinn flicked a switch [and] mist spewed forth to startle an unsuspecting youngster… and quickly rectified his impish stunt by rewarding the child with some candy.”
150 Years Ago
The Warm Springs Road: Colonel Curry has a number of Chinamen employed shoveling and ditching on his road leading to the Warm Springs and Empire. The ditches are being cleared of sage and brush, so that when the storm and flood from King’s Canyon comes roaring down, the dirty waters will lose their identity in the Carson.
140 Years Ago
All sorts: The “Leader” claims that a wild man living in Antelope Valley chases hunters all over the country and robs hen roosts. There is talk of organizing a force to capture it.
130 Years Ago
Raising funds: Custer Post will have a social dance and refreshments at the Armory Hall. The cause is a worthy one. The intention is to improve the soldiers’ plot in the Carson Cemetery. It is nearly five years since their remains were brought here from Fort Churchill. The little square boxes containing all that was left of the brave heroes who served their country well on a hard-fought field, were reinterred amidst the firing of cannon, the muffled beat of the drum and the bugle’s call. The purpose of this party is to raise funds to buy a monument and improve their last resting place.
100 Years Ago
Admission Day: Friday, October 31, 1919, was Admission Day, as all of the pupils were aware. This was one of the few half holidays the school has. Interesting programs were given in the assembly consisting of a song from the high school, recitation by William Harrington and an interesting talk on the subject of the day by LeRoy Fothergill.
50 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Carson Theatre—‘Hell in the Pacific,’ starring Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune. They hunted each other as enemies…they tormented each other as savages…they faced each other as men.”
20 Years Ago
Newsies: Four out-of-shape men from the Nevada Appeal newsroom competed in the handcar for fun races at the Nevada Railroad Museum. Final results — Nevada Appeal placed 4th at a time of 38.50.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan.
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