Past Pages for Thursday, June 22, 2017

150 Years Ago

Honeybees: This valley would appear to be a fine place for bees. An instance recently came to our knowledge of four swarms secured from one hive this season. A month ago the owner had only one swarm; now he has five, all thriving well.

130 Years Ago

The boys of the sagebrush of Nevada are a rare and jovial set. They are gathered from all quarters of the globe and seem to affiliate among themselves better than any set of men in the world. The honest miner with his dinner bucket, in hand greets the talented lawyer his equal in every respect; but let a would be aristocrat come among us and put on frills and he will find it the most disagreeable place under the canopy of heaven. (Pioche Record)

100 Years Ago

Red Cross week in Carson will wind up with a lawn party on the Capitol grounds next Monday and Tuesday evenings. On this occasion all kinds of offerings will be made and W.E. Wallace, who has certain matters in charge, is going to run two or three ring and wheel games in order to bring the shekels in.

70 Years Ago

Eighty-one strong, the elected officials of Boys’ State will be honored Friday after arriving tomorrow at 9:15 a.m. aboard the historic V&T. They will be met by a delegation from Capitol Post No. 4 of the American Legion, headed by A. (Dutch) Berning.

50 Years Ago

The attempt of two 20-year-old inmates to escape from the Nevada Prison with the help of a shotgun and car was scotched Sunday, Warden Carl Hocker reported today.

30 Years Ago

The 1987 Legislature took time to pass laws benefitting those who are most vulnerable and unable to always look out for themselves: children, the elderly, and the poor and mentally ill.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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