Letters to the editor for Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tasked with covering local news, Appeal delivers

In reference to letters to the editor on Tuesday, July 25, titled “Appeal is ‘worthless’ only covers local news,” my opinion is, if you don’t like our local paper and if it’s not your cup of tea, then don’t buy it!

It is a local paper, for local people, for local news and it does a pretty good job of reporting that and I like the fact that it is a “local” paper. If you want politics and other crap that’s going on out in the world, then maybe you should subscribe to the Washington Post, the USA-Reno paper or the New York Times, just to name a few. There are plenty of political papers available.

Ralph Newcomb

Carson City

Appeal’s local news is refreshing and appreciated

Mr. Pyatt: If you find the Appeal so worthless, why do you read it? You can find all the fake, biased, news in any other newspaper: RGJ, Las Vegas Review-Journal, New York Times, or any California newspaper. I’m sure they would appreciate your subscription.

We love the Appeal and appreciate the local news, perhaps because we’ve lived here for more than 60 years, but also because it is such a refreshing break from the national news. The fake news, as you said, can be found in many other medias.

Nancy Johnson

Carson City

What are rights?

There seems to be a lot of conversation now about rights. The majority of which seem to be created by man on whim, like our many gods are.

There are really only two actual rights considering their source: the right to life, and the right to worship.

The right to life is established by something we have no control over, and if that life were taken, it could be quickly renewed, if necessary.

A right to worship takes place quietly within our own minds and if we keep our mouths shut, no one knows whether we are doing it or not.

Any remaining rights are assumed or man made and therefore revocable on whim as well; by someone with a bigger club.

A good example might be healthcare. In the beginning we received everything we needed along with the means for its utilization. Should we choose not to read the label, some consequences could accrue.

Another would be the idea that various hues and forms of life matter more than others. Whose bias determines that?

In order to be free, we need the liberty to maintain that freedom. One is quite useless without the other.

To change any of this and return to better times we will have to stop continuing forward with the old first.

Perhaps some conversation about responsibilities would help with that; otherwise, a change for the better just may not happen at all.

Pete Bachstadt

Carson City

Carson can thrive without recreational marijuana

I have reviewed the comments from the board meeting where the supervisors, by a 3 to 2 vote, approved the sale of recreational marijuana in our community. I do not agree with the thinking of those who voted affirmatively. I also found their vote interesting in light of the fact that the measure was defeated by Carson City voters in November.

I applaud those who were opposed. Lori Bagwell questioned retailing marijuana in dispensaries and the message to children. John Barrette also voted no, however he seems to weaken his position by asserting that alcohol sales are of greater concern.

Sheriff Ken Furlong has often spoken of the seriousness regarding substance abuse and DUI incidents in Carson City.

In my judgment, the issue does not relate to the dangers of homegrown marijuana or comparing the sale of alcohol and marijuana. The real issue is three members of our Board of Supervisors voted to make marijuana easily accessible and apparently were not swayed by the concerns expressed by our sheriff and other citizens. The fact that recreational marijuana is legal in Nevada did not necessitate our board approving its easy access in our community. The priorities of Las Vegas and Reno are not necessarily those of Carson City.

Yes, revenues will increase, but was it the right decision? Carson City needs the retail sale of recreational marijuana as much as it needed the recently installed wide sidewalks on Carson Street.

Martin J. Fischer

Carson City

Jesus must be crying

Joel is 9 years old. During the school year, he entered a contest at school to win a bike. When the contest began he told his mother, “I am going to win that bike.” The student who read the most books during Spring Break would win. He did it!

But, he still was required to go to summer school. He is my student and has made marvelous progress this summer; he also is continuing with his violin lessons. One of the first things I noticed about him is his artistic talent. He draws many pictures that accompany stories he writes.

His mom told me that after he left church last week, he said, “Jesus must be crying.” She told me about this comment and I asked why he thought Jesus was crying. He asked, “Do you think he is too?” I replied, “Oh, yes, for sure he is crying.” Joel said he sees all the fires and smoke in the air. He said, “The river is now dangerous too.” He said, “People are fighting and yelling on TV.”

When he asked what I thought I said, “God gave us the absolutely beautiful world to enjoy. We have mountains and oceans and many wonderful animals and trees and flowers ... plus, God gave us the ability to use lots of natural resources he gave us this earth. And, most of all, God gave man the brains to use these things to make life very enjoyable.”

“And,” I added, “I think he thought if mankind had leaders to guide people and help them have good, happy lives, it would make everything easier and more organized.”

But I quipped, God did not know that it was POWER that would become the greatest disease in the world. It is that power that makes mankind fight, kill, destroy, and hurt those they control. It is sickening to see people destroying others’ property and lives without any remorse or guilt. Therefore, POWER is the tool those with it use, not for the good of mankind, but to do things, destroy people, and to gain more power. Man is equipped with a free will and inner strength. He cannot be afraid to use these gifts that also came from God.

Be not afraid for he is watching you and wants you to use your own talents and strengths. He gave those to each of us. Jesus, his son, was born to teach us what God wants us to do. Now, Jesus uses Mother Nature to show us he is crying. Please help him stop crying by making the world a better place.

Ann Bednarski

Carson City


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