Enrollment open for local cancer survivor focus group

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Area cancer survivors are invited to enroll in a focus group to be held this March to share details about their experience and needs as a cancer survivor.

The focus group is scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 6 in Carson Valley.

All cancer survivors over 18 years old are invited to enroll, and up to 14 enrollees will be invited to participate. Participants will each receive $20 for their time.

The focus group, one of a series of eight to be held throughout the state, is hosted by Nevada Cancer Coalition (NCC), a statewide nonprofit focused on cancer prevention and early detection, education, and advocacy.

“We know that cancer survivors have a complex set of needs ranging from physical and emotional, to financial, legal, and beyond,” said Kristen Power, communications director at NCC. “The best way for us to truly understand those needs is by talking to cancer survivors. Everything we learn during these focus groups will help NCC and our coalition partners across the state to develop programs and resources to support cancer survivors in Nevada.”

Focus group organizers are looking for a diverse group of participants, including those with different stages of cancer at diagnosis; different types of cancer; recurrence or secondary cancers; and varying phase of treatment or time since last treatment.

Enrollment for the Fallon focus group is open through Feb. 17.

For information or to enroll, visit http://nevadacancercoalition.org/focusgroup/.


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