View from the Past

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100 Years Ago

Was Almost Governor — Senator Keddie Might Have Been Chief Executive on Sunday Last if — Senator W.A. Keddie, president pro tem of the senate missed a chance Sunday to become governor of Nevada and George Brodigan, secretary of state was given the honor, although he did not realize it at the time. When the governor of Nevada is absent from the state, the duties and honor are conferred upon the lieutenant governor and when the latter is also absent the honor goes to the president pro tem of the senate and next to the secretary of state. Gov. Boyle, Lieut-Gov. Maurice J. Sullivan and Senator Keddie accompanied the Elks of Reno to Truckee across the California line Sunday, and thereby conferred the honor of governor on Mr. Brodigan, whose position in the state makes him next in line to fill the vacancy thus created. Nevertheless, Senator Keddie in line for governor should there be a vacancy in the office of governor and lieutenant governor.

75 Years Ago

Back when this paper was printed they were reflecting back on the years just as we are doing today. Here is what the newspaper printed.

Thirty-Five years ago in Fallon — Thomas Woodliff of Virginia City who is interested with R. L. Douglass in the ownership of Fallon realty, spent the week in Fallon. Mr. Woodliff contemplates moving to Fallon at some future date and thinks extremely well of the town’s future.

Twenty-five years ago — The new county board of education has assumed office. It consists of A. D. Drumm, hold-over, F. G. Hough, re-elected, and A. L. Haight, newly elected successor to Dr. Gardner. Mercury registered 25 below zero. Honor students at the high school were: senior Lavina Dudley, Irma Bendle, Alice Wall, and Mattie Steinbrook; Juniors- Vaden Browder, Vera Wickland, Ruth Williams, Ethel Barker, Bernard Koehler, Grace Mills, Howard Young, Margaret Dolf, Earl Seeley, John Wall; sophomores- Virginia Fort, Mamie Conley, Mark Lattin, Gordon Simmonds, Roy Williams, Mae Hammond; freshmen- Leslie Sandford, Ruby Spoon, David Young, Willard Coatney, Edwin Coe, Marie Ernst, Ray Freeman, Rowena Gulling, Phillip Pelton and Raymond Cushman.

Fallon Standard, Wednesday, January 21, 1942

Churchill Near Top in Automobile Deaths — Churchill county as near the top of the list last year for the number of automobile deaths. It was a new high record for Churchill, with 12 highway fatalities, as it was a new high for Nevada with 106. Only three counties showed larger figures: Clark, 13 deaths; Elko, 15; Washoe, 14 and White Pine, 13. (Does anyone out there besides me count four?)

Fallon Standard, Wednesday, January 21, 1942

Little Delay Seen in Airport Plans Here — Actual Construction in Thirty Days Expected; Post-War Use Considered. Little delay if any is contemplated in construction of the proposed airport near Fallon, nor will plans be held up on account of land purchases for the site, Churchill county officials declared here this week after attending last week a meeting in Carson City with CAA officials.

Fallon Standard, Wednesday, January 21, 1942

50 Years Ago

Greenwave tramples over Yerington Sat., 81-50 — The CCHS Greenwave rebounded from their loss to Reno Friday night to an 81-50 victory over Yerington Saturday. Fallon was in complete control of the scoring from the beginning to the end of the game, increasing their lead with each quarter. At the half the Greenwave quintet had a fourteen-point lead, 38 to 24. This was increased to a 20-point lead in the third period, 56 to 36 and finally to 31 points in the closing quarter, 81 to 50.

Fallon Eagle-Standard, Tuesday, January 10, 1967

View From The Past…stories from the Churchill County Museum & Archives, researched and compiled by Dwen Davis Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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