Bike Safety Rodeo for Kids on Tuesday, Aug. 9

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There will be a free Bike Safety Rodeo for children ages 5 to 12 from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the Silver City basketball court, 385 High St.

In an effort to teach kids proper bike safety procedures, Western Safe Routes to Schools brings bike safety rodeos to communities in the Carson/ Lyon/Storey region.

Parents and their children ages 5-12 are invited to attend the fun event at the Silver City park and basketball court. Kids will learn road rules and safety, participate in bike maneuvers and exercises.

Parents are asked to sign a Safe Routes permission slip for this activity and participants will receive new bike helmets.

Each summer, Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey partners with many groups, plus the historic Comstock community of Silver City, to offer free science, engineering and arts programming for children from the Northern Nevada region. The program is free and donations are welcomed.


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