Scholarship recipients, front row from left, Heather Palmer, Amanda Peachay, Stephanie Pruitt and Jennifer McCoun are honored by the Carson Tahoe Health Auxiliary at the Western Nevada College Scholarship Night event, in Carson City, Nev., on Friday, Nov. 14, 2014. Donors, from left rear, include Judith Cordia, Sam Allec, Barbara Noland, Meri Ellis and Elizabeth Abarca-Angel.
More than 100 Western Nevada College students are finding paying for college a little easier this year. Dozens of local individuals, businesses and community organizations throughout the region are the reason why.
Through the Western Nevada College Foundation, dozens of generous local donors are providing students with the means to transform their lives through education.
To honor and celebrate scholarship donations in excess of $160,000 to more than 100 students, the Western Nevada College Foundation hosted its 15th Annual Scholarship Appreciation & Recognition Reception on Friday, Nov. 14, at the Carson Nugget Ballroom.
“For 15 years, the Western Nevada College Foundation has been transforming lives and enhancing the educational journey through our Foundation Scholarship program,” said Katie Leao, WNC Director of Development. “Through our generous community donors, the scholarship program provides financial support for 100-plus students each semester. Our donors remain loyal supporters of the college and are committed to the advancement of education at Western.”
Attendees heard from student speakers who detailed what the scholarships mean to them, and from donors such as Melanie Wiltfong of the Great Basin Chapter of American Association of Critical Care Nurses, as they make a difference in students’ lives and futures.
Barbara Noland of the Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare Auxiliary said it’s gratifying to meet the nursing students who received the group’s Ursula Daines Memorial Scholarship.
“The Auxiliary group of Carson Tahoe attends the reception each year and we are always impressed with the students who receive our scholarship,” Noland said. “We love to know that the time we put in raising funds for the scholarship go to nursing students that appreciate the financial support.”
Speakers included WNC President Chet Burton and Foundation Chair Sean Davison.
Anyone can help transform the lives of students through a tax-deductible gift to Western Nevada College’s Scholarship Fund, Leao said. More than 2,600 students applied for college financial aid this year.
Individuals can make an online gift at or by calling Leao at 775-445-3239.
Scholarships provided to students for the 2014-15 school year are—The Adair Academic Scholarship; American Association of University Women; Scholarship-Capital Branch; Albert V. Lane Scholarship; Al Teixeira Memorial Baseball Scholarship; American Legion Auxiliary No. 4 Post 9/11/01 Veteran Scholarship; American Sign Language J.J. Noble Scholarship; Andy Butti Scholarship; Annie Johnson Elliott Scholarship; Anne M. Phillips Memorial Scholarship; Application Support & Development Scholarship; Associated Students of Western Nevada-Carson Campus Scholarship; Associated Students of Western Nevada-Fallon Campus Scholarship; Ballardini Single Parent Scholarship; Bessie C. Gilmer Scholarship; Bessie L. Miller Memorial Scholarship; Bill LaFollette Memorial Scholarship; Bob and Penny Waters POST Scholarship; The Bonnie Parnell Scholarship for Community and Political Activism; Carson City Democratic Women’s Scholarship; Carson City Emblem Club No. 507 Scholarship; Carson Nugget “Always Lost” Veterans Scholarship; Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare Auxiliary Ursula Daines Memorial Scholarship; Catherine “Suse” Fitz Scholarship; Carson Valley Quilt Guild Scholarship; CGI Inc. Scholarship; Christine Baker Educational Scholarship; American Society of Civil Engineers/Soroptimist International of Carson City Engineering Scholarship; Daughters of the American Revolution, John C. Fremont Chapter Scholarship; Day Family Nursing Scholarship; Dorothy and Rob Ramsdell Scholarship; Douglas Diversity Club Scholarship; Dr. Walter L. Dillard Memorial Scholarship; Daughters of Norway, Queen Maud Lodge Memorial Scholarship; Eaglemark Savings Bank Scholarship; Fallon General Scholarship; Foundation Scholarship Endowment; Great Basin Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses Scholarship; Harriet L. Crowell Memorial Scholarship; Helen Close Charitable Foundation Scholarship; Helen Devereux Memorial Scholarship; Insurance Agents and Brokers of Nevada Scholarship; Jack C. Davis Memorial Scholarship; Jack C. Davis NSHE Scholarship; Jason Bertocchi Memorial Scholarship; Jeremy Williams Memorial Scholarship; Joan I. Shelton Memorial Nursing Scholarship; John H. Sheldon Scholarship; Kandee Ann Kahn Memorial Scholarship for Public Safety; Karen Priest Memorial Scholarship; Kennametal Engineering and Science Scholarship; Korean War Veterans Carson City Chapter 305 Scholarship; Lane-Morsani Memorial Scholarship; Latino Scholarship-Carson Campus; Latino Scholarship-Douglas Campus; Leah Chiara Memorial Women’s Softball Scholarship; Leisure Hour Club Scholarship; Lesch Scholarship Endowment Fund; Mark Dorio Memorial Scholarship; Marv Teixeira Memorial Baseball Scholarship; Michael Calabro Memorial Electronics Scholarship; Mike and Dick Stoddard Memorial Scholarship; Miller-Neverett Scholarship; Minden Rotary Club Foundation Erin Hackman Memorial Scholarship; Nancy Fischer Gaskill Memorial Nursing Scholarship; Natives and Newcomers of Carson City Nursing Scholarship; Nevada CPA Society Scholarship; NV Energy Foundation Scholarship; Ormsby Sportsmen’s Association Scholarship; Paul Laxalt Scholarship; PEO Sisterhood Scholarship for Women; Robert and Joy Pease Memorial Scholarship; Robert Bush Memorial Scholarship; Roberta Odgen Trease Memorial Scholarship; Saulisberry Family Scholarship; Soroptimist International of Carson City-Margaret Hersey Memorial Scholarship; Soroptimist International of Carson City-Marge Patterson Memorial Scholarship; Soroptimist International of Carson City-Trade and Industry Scholarship; Student Ability Scholarship; Sunset Rotary Club of Carson City Scholarship; Testolin Family Scholarship; Thomas W. Waddell STEM Scholarship; Unger Diamond Memorial Scholarship; United Methodist Men’s Scholarship; Vivian Wilde-Mellow Memorial Scholarship; Warde H. Dixon Memorial Scholarship; Western Nevada Astronomical Society Science Scholarship; William G. Smith Memorial Scholarship; Woody Wurster Machine Tool Scholarship; WNC Leadership Scholarship; WNC Talent Grant Music Scholarship; and Zola Scholarship.