Letters to the Editor Aug. 13

Orthopedic surgeon Paul J. Fry II is not one of the authors of a series of letters in support of Greg Lynn.

"I prefer to remain neutral in the race," said the 45-year resident and owner of a home near Topaz Lake.

Pleasantview resident Paul D. Fry is a member of the Committee to Elect Greg Lynn and is the Paul Fry listed on the letters the group has had published in The Record-Courier.

Kurt Hildebrand



Look, we all want to know the truth. We sure can't find it by reading the letters to the editor because totally differing view points claim the truth.

So we have to find it by observing conditions for ourselves. Do you see lots of new little businesses in town since the rush to the growth ordinance? I don't. Do you see them closing down all over? I do. Do you see a vibrant local economy? I don't. Does the local economy affect you? You bet it does, even if you're a retired person with a guaranteed income. Have your taxes gone up yet? A lot? They probably have, but if not, you'll get caught with the next re-assessment. Do we have the funding for new senior centers, performing art centers, etc.?

Are we cutting back on social services, just when we need them the most? Do you see houses vacated in your neighborhood? I do. They were probably occupied by employees of builders, or building suppliers, or title people, or furnishings salespeople, or the clerks in those little stores that are gone now, or any of the hundreds of people who are employed in a normal economic environment.

Will those empty houses affect your property values? You bet they will, they already have and pretty dramatically at that.

Does the national economic environment affect us locally? Of course it does, but we have historically ridden out downturns with very little local effect, until now.

If you only came to the area within the last 10 years, and were lucky enough to buy one of the houses that were made available for you, you don't know what a wonderful economic haven this was, until the growth ordinance. Our stability was enviable, with a modest but predictable rate of appreciation.

The growth ordinance contributed to a toxic run-up in prices that could only end in a crash, which it did. Can we recover from the economic disaster? Sure we can. We can be business receptive and flexible. Work with the Park family to allow them to make the wonderful contributions they are offering the county, including trails, parks, roadways, etc., in exchange for contained planned development on only 800 acres.

Wouldn't you rather see that than a 19 acre home-site grid, to which they are already entitled, placed all over 5,000 acres of their property? If you were running your own business (read county) and were faced with the challenges this county is, would you reduce productivity and increase costs? I wouldn't. I would utilize business management practices that would allow my company to survive and prosper.

Hire competent management. Selectively increase productivity. Decrease costs. In conclusion, we have all been affected by the downturn in the economy, and have, through astute business management, endured and succeeded.

They are leaders who can help our county likewise endure and succeed.

Patty Clark



If you want to see businesses continue to close, and restaurants to stand empty, people to lose their jobs leaving them with no alternative other than to move and or lose their homes to foreclosure, then please continue to believe and support the non-truths set forth by the SGIC.

I don't want to see rampant, unrestricted growth, but I do want to see smart, controlled growth that creates jobs and wages which will be spent here in the Carson Valley.

I don't want this town to be "paved over" (which I believe to be untrue and a scare tactic) nor do I want it to be desolate. I want county commissioners who can study the issues that come before them and make reasonable decisions which benefit this county. I don't want to elect anyone who will make decisions solely based on restricting the rights of property ownership and limiting population.

Lauren Saunders



We have the opportunity through our voting power to change the course of this county and by extension the lives of its citizens. We have a chance to vote in candidates to serve on the board of county commissioners that are supportive of economic growth, favorable business conditions and private property rights.

James and Shele Pandl



Relative facts. Two-thousand and seven was the coolest year since 1966. The warmest years this century were in the 1930s, 1934 being the warmest. Non-agendized climatologists (labeled as "deniers") predict continued cooling. No unvarnished facts indicate increased global temperature over the last decade. The ambient air you breathe has 38 molecules per 100,000 of CO2. It is generally accepted that we are responsible for approximately 3 percent of the 38 molecules. Do the math. It is also historically true that there is no direct correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature. The English Courts have ruled that you may not show the film "An Inconvenient Truth" to children without pointing out 11 false premises (noted climatologist Lord Moncton has identified 33). The hoax has been perpetrated to scare a misinformed and uneducated public.

Why? Regulations predicated on this hoax will empower the government to further control your life (control your thermostat in California? It's being considered), limit your freedom in many ways and increase your taxes to boot. Five benighted judges, unburdened by scientific knowledge while steeped in liberalism, have decided that you are exhaling a noxious gas and thereby have legitimized this monstrous hoax. The presumption that the hoax will prevail is dependent on the assumption that we are morons. I hope you will check the facts be duly offended and act.

It is widely believed, by the naive, that our environmentalists are a benign group of sensitive, highly educated, concerned people bent on saving the planet from capitalist rapists. The altruists may not have noted that their movement has been infiltrated and is dominated by the far left.

Thus the "whackos," whose object is to destroy our free economy and institute a socialist state, have enjoyed popularity with an unaware public.

The latter being kept unaware by media complicity and abetting academics. These PACs (Sierra Club, Greens, etal) have bought and paid for our politicians (both parties).

Their influence is so great, and malignant, that we are the only country on earth with enormous oil (and other) reserves that is not tapping them. We are also able to do this in an environmentally optimal manner. No thanks to their influence in Washington, and many states, we have not built a refinery in over 25 years. Similarly, we have not built a nuclear power plant in the same period while the technical advanced French get over 75 percent of their power from safe nuclear energy. It is patently obvious that they intend to cripple our economy.

The camouflage of these environmentalists is transparent, and their goal is destruction of the country our framers bequeathed us. They're confident of our blindness.

The fact that they live in the best country in the world and the fact that socialism always produces misery is no deterrent to their zeal. The challenge is to your insight, vision for the USA and your willingness to fight.

Civilians must attempt to match the commitment of our soldiers if not their courage. It's not particularly easy to confront these indoctrinated, liberally energized robots. You will be labeled "right wing cretins," which is considerably easier to do than justifying their invalid arguments.

"Diversity is good." No, diversity is bad. E Pluribus Unum (from many one) is our motto for good reason. Secure borders, one language and American culture are essential to our survival as a nation. Anyone advocating otherwise is a significant adversary (read enemy). Further amplification on this point would be futile. N'cest pas? I don't want Obama to be embarrassed by me.

Dick Witzig



The Minden/Douglas Elks Lodge, its members, spouses and friends would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to this community for the support shown to this Lodge during our recent carnival at Lampe Park.

This event was in operation for five days (Wednesday through Sunday), and the public was really grand in its support for the entire week.

Our lodge has been fortunate for many years in having the residents of this beautiful valley offer their attendance and support for this event each year.

With the proceeds of this event (after expenses) we will be able to continue our support of the many charitable activities that we have been involved with at the local level, as well as helping our Veterans at the hospital in Reno.

Thanks again, and we'll see you next year.

Dave Trueblood

Event Chairman



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