The more than 30 participants in the off-road class last Saturday, as well as their parents, were really pleased with the course offered by the Mono County Sheriff's Department and Rob Rickert Dirtbike Schools. They were especially grateful for the support of the deputy sheriffs who gave of their off-duty time, as well as Clint Hershey and the Antelope Valley Lions Club for preparing the lunch provided by the Deputy Sheriff's Association. It is great to know that our young people learned a lot and enjoyed the process.
Mountain Defender disaster drill
The following is a press release for an exercise taking place in Mono County soon:
On Aug. 23, the Mono County Sheriff's Department, the Mono County Office of Emergency Services, County of Mono, USMC Mountain Warfare Training Center, Mammoth Hospital and the Town of Mammoth Lakes will be participating in a countywide disaster drill.
The full-scale disaster exercise is being conducted to assess the response capabilities of all public safety agencies within Mono County. The exercise will be centered around the concept of an earthquake that occurs somewhere in the county.
The exercise is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and last for several hours with four venues: the Town of Mammoth Lakes, the County Emergency Operations Center in Bridgeport, MWTC and MWTC base housing in Coleville.
The exercise will focus on communications, response, coordination, and medical surge capacity.
Be advised that this is only an exercise. If you have questions, please contact either Sgt. Jeff Beard or Lt. David O'Hara at (760) 932-5234.
Mail delivery job opening
I have been advised by Josh Armstrong, Coleville postmaster, that the postal service has put out a solicitation for someone to do highway mail box delivery in Coleville/Walker. This position is not for a postal employee, but for an independent contractor. The position will begin Oct. 1 and run through June 30, 2012. If you are interested, call (253) 874-7317 for a solicitation package to complete. On a very personal note, I have to say that I and many other residents would hate to see Pam Chichester not be our delivery person anymore.
Defensible spaces
After last week's column, I received an e-mail that gives a site to contact for more information that helps homeowners know what is necessary and protective to their homes. It is If you have any questions about methods of fire safety, please go to this Web page.
How Big is Big? Fishing Derby
This annual fishing derby ended last Thursday, and the winning fish was 5.8 pounds. There are more than 25 more really nice prizes to be awarded to entries in the contest, so please root for me to win one of them.
n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.
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