Stuart Posselt is a Johnson Lane resident and has made the commitment to run for Douglas County commissioner, District 5. He is a retired architect and has an impressive background in real estate development and land planning, management, and CFO of an employee leasing company.
He was appointed by Pete Wilson in 1990 as chief of administrative operations managing an office of 400 employees including human resources, finances and IT (computer technology). Then he went on to the building standards commission who adopted building standards for California. He put together public and private partnerships of people interested in the building codes. They would then recommend which codes should be adopted. Then they would coordinate the publication of the codes.
Posselt says that if he were elected he wants Douglas County to have an open government. He wants everything to be made open to the public. He sites the Piñon Aero plan was withheld from the consultant during the airport master plan. He wants accountability. Why did the county staff get an 8 Ð 9 percent pay increase? There has been a failure to enforce adopted county standards, development agreements and building codes. He wants to fix these problems. Posselt believes the county commissioners need to be more responsive to the people and their concerns. He believes the county growth should continue, but with caution to protect the rural ambiance, air quality and our views of the mountains.
I asked what he would consider his political affiliation. He responded that he feels he is a fiscally conservative Republican. He said, "I support the proposed growth plan currently in front of the board, it is a compromise. The clustering effort that was just shot down was an effort to go around it. I do not believe in mixing gliders and jets, it's just a bad idea."
A few years back Stuart was asked if he would run for mayor of Indian Hills Incorporated. So, why does he want to run for county commissioner? He was asked to because of his skills and knowledge. He feels Douglas County needs to be sophisticated in their approach to growth and the process of finances, accountability with no more secret deals.
So why is Stuart Posselt the best man for the job? He feels he has the most experience with the widest variety of knowledge and he is not a product of the system. What about any future political ambitions? He is just focused on one thing, and that's to become a county commissioner so he can help straighten out what's going on here in our community.
If you would like to volunteer to help Stuart Posselt with his campaign or would like to send contributions, you may call him at 267-0537 or send him an e-mail at
Piñon Hills
Elementary School
Mark your calendar for this Friday night April 18 for family movie night at 6:30 p.m. The Parent Teacher Organization will serve popcorn and drinks. Come dressed in your favorite pajamas and bring a blanket or your sleeping bag to sit on while watching the movie. Last I heard the movie was going to be the "Bee Movie." This is offered free to your family but it is requested that you bring at least one nonperishable food item to be donated to the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.
-- Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.
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