State 4-H exposition results

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The State 4-H Exposition was held at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Gardnerville on Oct. 12-14. There were 215 4-H Club members who exhibited 614 entries at the event that was hosted by Douglas County 4-H. The 4-H members participated in wide variety of events that culminated a year of education, learning and life skill development. Events at the State 4-H Exposition included technology, communications, photography, artistic painting and composition, construction and engineering, fashion review, clothing construction, food preservation, horse, poultry, rabbit, cavy and dog. 4-H is a youth development program of the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

State Expo results for Douglas County 4-H members:


Senior English Pleasure

Rebecca Glocknitzer, blue

Intermediate English Pleasure

Savannah Wood, white

Senior Hunter Seat Equitation

Rebecca Glocknitzer, red

Intermediate Hunter Seat Equitation

Rachel Andersen, white

Savannah Wood, white

Intermediate Saddle Seat Equitation

Savannah Wood, white

Intermediate English Riding Skills

Savannah Wood, blue

Intermediate Hunter Under Saddle

Savannah Wood, red

Senior Clover-leaf Barrels

Rebecca Glocknitzer, red

Shannon Martinez, red

Intermediate Clover-leaf


Savannah Wood, blue

Senior Pole Bending

Shannon Martinez, blue

Intermediate Pole Bending

Savannah Wood, blue

Senior Showmanship

Rebecca Glocknitzer, white

Shannon Martinez, blue

Intermediate Showmanship

Rachel Andersen, blue

Kelly Brandon, white

Savannah Wood, white

Senior Western Pleasure,


Shannon Martinez, white

Intermediate Western

Pleasure, Bridle

Rachel Andersen, white

Kelly Brandon, white

Savannah Wood, white

Senior Western Seat, Bridle

Shannon Martinez, blue

Intermediate Western Seat, Bridle

Rachel Andersen, white

Kelly Brandon, white

Savannah Wood, red

Senior Western

Horsemanship, Bridle

Shannon Martinez, blue

Intermediate Western Horsemanship, Bridle

Savannah Wood, blue

Senior Western Riding

Shannon Martinez, white

Intermediate Western Riding

Savannah Wood, red

Senior Western Reining,


Jonathon Glocknitzer, blue

Senior Trail Horse

Shannon Martinez, blue

Intermediate Trail Horse

Savannah Wood, white


Hand molded clay

Rachael Lambin "Mermaid Treasures," blue

Rachael Lambin "My family and I," blue and reserve champion

John Henry Lambin "E=MC2," blue and grand champion

Fine Art, Acrylic

Rachel Lambin "French Bistro," blue and grand champion

Rachael Lambin "Mermaid Blue," blue and reserve champion


Rachael Lambin "Party girls," blue


Rachael Lambin "For my dad," blue

Bead Work

Jordyn Rutherdale "Keychain," honorable mention

Photography, Video Story

Rachael Lambin "My trip to England," blue

Jeff Lambin "Hitachi Nat'l Interview," blue

Jeff Lambin "San Francisco Trip," blue

Food and Nutrition,


Sarah Owens red vinegar, blue

Sarah Owens white vinegar, blue and grand champion

Food and Nutrition, Scratch Baked Goods

Jordyn Rutherdale peanut butter cookies, honorable mention

Quick Bread

Briana Rutherdale banana bread, honorable mention

Dog Agility Classes

Brandi Friesen, blue and grand champion, beginner

Dog Obedience, Novice A

Jonathon Glocknitzer, blue and grand champion

Dog Rally, Novice Rally A

Amber Friesen, blue and grand champion

Dog Showmanship, Senior

Amber Friesen, blue

Jonathon Glocknitzer, blue

Rebecca Glocknitzer, blue

Leah Withrow, blue, intermediate

Brandi Friesen, blue, junior

Dog Sub-Rally B

Jonathon Glocknitzer, blue

Poultry Lightweight Breeds

Cockerel (hatched this year)

Marshall McKown, three blue ribbons

Pullet (hatched this year)

Marshall McKown, two blues

8 - Hen (prior to this year's hatch)

Marshall McKown, blue

Poultry Showmanship

Marshall McKown, blue, junior

Rabbit, Junior Doe, born on or after 4/1/06

Amelia Ritger, two blue ribbons

Senior Buck, born on or before 1/31/06

Amelia Ritger, blue

Rabbit Showmanship

Amelia Ritger, blue, intermediate


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