Holiday spirit of giving should never cease

In case you've missed the last week or so of news, we'd like to remind you that some of your neighbors are faced with unimaginable grief.

There are those struggling to get by; those, who for whatever reason find the holidays a bit difficult to deal with; and those reeling in the face of tragedy.

In the past week, four area families have lost a husband, brother, son, father, wife, sister, daughter or mother in a violent automobile accident. One family has lost its home in a fire.

There is no way to prepare for such pain.

There is no loss that can compare.

In the face of all this, there are neighbors, family and friends doing everything they can to support these families in their anguish.

For them, we are thankful.

As you enjoy Santa's loot or toast a new year, take a moment to think about these neighbors. Take a moment to lend a hand, write a check, say a prayer - or simply imagine yourself in their shoes.

What would you do? What would you need? How would you cope?

You may have donated your toy at the toy drive, dropped your change in a red kettle, or in some other way done your part. Ask yourself if you can do more. Be honest.

You may not find a way to help the families mentioned here. But there's no doubt someone in your neighborhood could use a hand. Not necessarily a hand out, but a hand to help - or maybe just to hold.


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